Two Secrets to Weight Loss Results that Last – Where We Fail

If your goal is to get the most you can from your diet and weight loss method, you need to stop thinking about diet and exercise as separate things. You need to adopt a mindset that both of these things are interrelated and require effort in order to resolve and understand adequately. Exercising, whether that is running or weight lifting, signals your body that it needs to eat proper nutrients. You will often crave certain types of foods (healthy foods typically, and those high in protein). So exercise does directly impact your diet and what you eat on a daily basis. Simply eating foods that are meant to help you “build muscle” or something along those lines won’t be sufficient to help you lose weight. You have to exercise as well, as many people quickly find out.

Yes, eating the right foods and exercising is important, but it’s not the only factor to consider. Few people actually plan how they will eat, and what strategy they will use after they achieve their desired weight loss to keep it that way going forward. This is often one of the more challenging things to address, as most diet or weight loss methods don’t define any foods to eat afterwards, or how to maintain the weight you’ve lost. There are some that do, such as the HCG protocol, but these are more the exception than the rule. Nutrition is a huge problem with diets, particularly fad weight loss aids, as they don’t provide any insight into the longer term.

Two Secrets to Success When Dieting

Importance of Exercise and DietThere are more than just two ways to succeed when trying to lose weight, but we find that most dieters overlook two major parts of their diet whenever they try to lose weight. We briefly give an overview of the advantages for these ingredients in your diet as a result.

Eat Protein – Eating protein every day is a highly important part of any weight loss program. This helps to boost the levels of amino acids contained in your blood, which helps free up stored fat to burn in its place. When these proteins arrive in your muscles, they are synthesized into such tissue and helps you to burn more fat, increase strength, and increase energy. There’s been some significant research on how the human body uses protein that’s eaten. It was found that this helps burn fat as energy down the road, but also helps you with your workout and keeping your metabolism up. Higher amounts of protein each day helped people lose more weight and also gain more muscle, which is hardly a surprise given how many people use it for muscle gains.

Eat Carbohydrates – Eating carbohydrates has gotten a lot of critiques in recent years, as many fad diets have appeared that tell you to completely remove carbs from your daily diet. This is not only unsustainable but unhealthy. Your body needs carbohydrates, just not necessarily complex carbohydrates. For example, many fruits have natural sugars in them. This is just a form of carbohydrates. Carbs also help prevent protein breakdowns in your body, as well as help you burn fat through a maximum metabolic functionality. Your glucose levels impact your ability to burn stored fat as demonstrated in various studies.

You want to start your weight loss or workout sessions at least 1 hour after eating foods high in protein. This is best, as your body will have time to actually digest and use some of that nutrition to help you put on muscle mass. The more muscle mass you put on, the faster your metabolism, and the more weight you will lose. You want to take in protein and carbs either through a shake designed specifically to provide them, as these have nice processed proteins your body can easily digest, or through natural meat products. The more natural approach can be quite expensive when compared to the soy based approach, but it typically is seen as healthier.

When you are planning out the methods for your success on any weight loss program, it’s important to consider how your diet and exercise program interact. You need to set up a method that not only works for you individually but will enable your body to lose weight as effectively and efficiently as possible. Managing expectations for your weight loss as well as finding methods that truly work are paramount to your success.